I will be editing this post as needed.
Many thanks to Monty Wheeler, my husband, who is the mortar holding these bricks together.
My name is Wendy Wetzel Wheeler and my Facebook account is public. My location is Eden, North Carolina, USA.
🐇 I raise *French Lops (currently they are crossed with large plush lops) & *Plush Lops from imports (UK and Netherlands) and as of 5/23 some American bred ones as well.
My specialty is: #1 honesty & integrity. #2. Raising and handling healthy, friendly bunnies! #3. My goal for every rabbit is ESA status but about 1 in 5 make it.
I am a breeder with the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) under the rabbitry name "Horse & Rabbit Habbitry." That page was unpublished so I opened this one. I apologize for any confusion it causes.
💥Anyone receiving a rabbit from me must agree to not hold me responsible for *anything* once that rabbit leaves my care. 👉 You will be asked to copy and paste this in an email stating at the end "I have read and agree to your rehoming policy" followed by your name. 👈 This is for my protection. However, I am here to support you, answer questions, and enjoy your journey with you! I love getting updates and photos of the bunnies I raised.
🔥 YOU are responsible for transport. Both the arrangements and the costs.
Rehoming Policy
1. Deposits are non-refundable but may be put toward a different rabbit. All fees must be paid before the rabbit leaves. If you put money toward a rabbit but fail to communicate with me over time, I will resell that rabbit. If you reserve two or more rabbits, those deposits are not refundable. I took those buns off the market for you. Reserving 2 or more and then asking to put all the money on one rabbit is unfair to me and unethical by you.
2. Exception to first rule: if rabbit gets sick, hurt, or dies while in my care, I will refund you. If it leaves here, it is healthy and I am no longer responsible for it.
3. I do my best to accurately sex the rabbits but mistakes are possible. No refunds if this happens but I am very sorry if it does!
4. I will not sell to a minor. If you are under 18, have your guardian contact me.
5. Please do your research before buying a rabbit. They can frighten easily, have sensitive stomachs, bite, scratch, need nails trimmed, need grooming, and take time to adapt to new surroundings. They can however, with proper care, make delightful pets! 💕
6. There is no guarantee on a rabbit's ability to show or breed. There will be no exchanges, returns, or refunds unless the next rule applies.
7. I have "first right of refusal" on every rabbit leaving my rabbitry. This means you cannot sell or give your rabbit away without first offering it back to me at no charge. More than likely, I will not be able to take it back and you'd be free to resell it!
You can hire these transporters to get your bunnies to you:
Hippity Hop Express
Taylor Farms
Haulin' Tail Transport
Wild Hops Transport
StarkVegas Transport
Hooves to Paws Animal Transport LLC
Raisin Trails Transport
Up North Pet Taxi
Earn Respect Rabbitry and Transport
Hare to There Transport
Hoppy Trails Hares
Casey's Critter Transport
Citizen Shipper
Fur to Scales Transport
Bounce-A-Bunny Express Transport
Heather Hawton
We're All Ears
KD Transport
*Also check with Spirit and Frontier Airlines! They allow rabbits to be carried on for a fee.