(Editing/Adding as I can)
⭐#1 Location
➡️ Eden, North Carolina, USA
⭐#2 How do I transport a rabbit? (Picking it up yourself by ground or air is preferable and easier on the bunny but if it isn't possible...)
➡️ There's a list of transporters at the bottom of the rehoming agreement (in featured section). You'll need to join their pages, check their groups for routes already posted, make sure they come to MY area first (Eden or Greensboro) and then yours, and fill out their forms. They ship multiple rabbits by car or van and sometimes one route takes them a couple weeks. I won't allow a bunny to be on transport more than 7 days. It's too hard on them, no matter their age.
➡️Once you've messaged the transporter and they agree to ship your bunny (they must be 8 weeks old minimum but some transports require the large breeds to be 10 or even 12 weeks! You must ask them!), you will pay them, not me. Their prices vary from $50 to $120. You must ask them. Citizen Shipper or private transportation costs more. Please confirm with me first before committing to a transporter.
➡️ You'll need to take a carrier or box to the pickup location to take your bunny home in. You must be on time. Transporters cannot wait for you because they have many stops and must stay on schedule.
⭐#3 What do I feed my rabbits?
➡️ Blue Seal Show Hutch Deluxe 17% pellets (unlimited forever unless they are too fat AND no longer growing)
➡️ Timothy and Orchard mix Hay. (Do not feed alfalfa hay!)
⭐#4 How do I provide water?
➡️1 tsp Apple cider vinegar "with the mother" per gallon of water in bowls. Use bowls that attach to side of housing or ones with non-slip bottoms or heavy ones that won't tip over! Make sure it's not too wide for them to get into too much.
⭐#5 What treats do I give?
➡️ ALWAYS research first!! "Is ___ toxic to rabbits"
➡️ ALWAYS start with only an inch of any new treat and slowly increase per day. It's best to only feed the hay and food I send with you for the first two weeks.
➡️I like fresh parsley, kale, collards, dandelion, carrot, banana, blueberries, grapes, blackberry branches, apple wood, willow, etc. **Also broad leaf plantain is a treat that aids in digestion, inflammation, and many other things. Oats is a great treat too.
➡️ Don't increase high sugar treats like fruit and carrot. Keep them minimal. Don't buy treats with sugar or yogurt.
➡️ Higher Calling Homestead bakes and sells amazing treats my rabbits love, as well as toys.
⭐#6 Toys (they get chewed)
➡️Woods like Apple, Willow, Pine, Bamboo, Maple. (No paints or treatments.)
➡️ Plastic stacking cups (they love to toss things), balls, cat tunnels, hidey houses.
⭐#7 Housing
➡️ Floor pens (doggie play pens) with litter box. Waterproof, non-slip flooring (you can cover your current flooring with a small section that extends just past the playpen.)
⭐#8 Litter Training
➡️I suggest pine pellets in a cat litter pan or similar plastic container. Do not use kitty litter!
➡️ Keeping your bunny in a 6 square foot space for small breeds and slightly bigger for large breeds until they are trained is key.
➡️You can add hay in the litter box or preferably right beside it because they poop while they munch. Having the food pellets attached to the side is helpful also. Clean tray out daily. Clean any urine or poop outside box immediately and place back in tray. Use vinegar to remove smell outside tray.
⭐#9 Does my rabbit need a vet?
➡️ A few people like to get shots for their rabbits but I only use a vet if it's sick. No routine checkups or shots are needed but some prefer to get them regardless. You will need an *exotic* vet if you have an emergency or want to spay/neuter. Find a vet with lots of experience with rabbits and be aware that it's not uncommon for rabbits to die under anesthesia.
⭐#10 Prices
➡️ I'm asked often why I charge so much. I'm charging for my time, expertise, and expenses. There are many breeders who charge much less and I'm not offended when you purchase from them instead. This is my full time job. Often, 14 hours a day! I spend hours daily handling my rabbits. I take pictures and videos of them for you and will even get updated photos (quality ones, because I'm a good photographer) for you as often as possible. (Please remember I'm busy and once or twice a week is usually what I have time for.) I clean out every single tray and every single water bowl DAILY. Your bunnies are clean, healthy, and sociable when you pick them up. In addition, I spend hours daily answering questions by phone or through messenger. Believe me when I say I often am working 14 hours a day! I try not to because I have a life too. 😆 But I do "life" between "bunny business" most days. If I'm working in the garden, I will stop to answer messages. I will wait if I'm with family because yes...they are more important! So thank you for your patience!
➡️ I've been known to sell as low as $50 and as high as $1500 so don't be afraid to ask. There's good reason for the extremes but most bunnies are $500-$700.
⭐#11 Can I use a harness and leash on my bunny?
➡️ Yes but... You have to let them walk you. If your bunny runs to the end of the leash suddenly and gets jerked back, its neck and back can break. So make sure there's no "pull." You can't train them like a dog, unfortunately.
⭐#12 Free roaming
➡️ Many people do this successfully with a litter box! But I don't recommend leaving your rabbits unattended when outside its own smaller enclosure because it can get hurt or chew things you may not want it to! Spicy hay (power cords) are popular choices for bunnies, as well as carpet and furniture. Not only will this destroy your house but could kill your bunny. They can't throw up and blockages are dangerous and often fatal.
⭐#13 Can my bun run in the yard?
➡️ Yes but be sure you can catch it! More importantly, be aware that is where they will pick up parasites, fleas, ticks, and who knows what else is lurking on the ground! If other wild animals frequent your area, your pet can get diseases from other animals just from sharing the same grass.
⭐#14 Grooming my rabbit
➡️ Plush coats only need your hand (petting and on some occasions, light plucking around the butt) for grooming.
➡️ Regular fur like the French Lops need a couple tools because their fur is longer and sheds more. I use a flea comb and a cat slicker brush. Line brushing is most effective during heavy molting.
➡️Nails need trimmed every 4 weeks. I use toenail clippers for smaller buns and dog clippers for larger buns.
➡️There are 2 videos on my page you can watch for "how to groom". Using the search bar, type in "grooming."
⭐#15 List of Shops to purchase bunny items 🤗:
Well kept rabbit
Buttercups bunny boutique
Bunny rabbit shop
The educated rabbit